AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde <p><strong>AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment)</strong> publishes papers on innovative applications, development of new technologies, and efficient solutions in agriculture, engineering, computing, social, information technology, food, energy and scientific research to improve knowledge and practice in the field of purposeful community change: rural and community development, geography and regional planning, rural cooperatives, community health, capacity building, social work, community empowerment, sustainable development, human resource development, social capital, economics, urban studies, student community service activities, and relevant subjects.</p> en-US ajarcde.safenetwork@gmail.com (Prof. Dr. Novizar Nazir) jufriadifnaam@gmail.com (Prof. Dr. Jufriadif Na`am) Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Content Marketing Optimization to Increase Consumer Engagement at Brand Necerel on Instagram platform https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/450 <p>Content Marketing Optimization to Increase Consumer Engagement at Brand Necerel on Instagram Platform. Introduction, Marketing 4.0 provides an important role for marketers to guide the customer journey from the initial stage to the final stage. Content Marketing is a marketing strategy that ensures definite identification with strong analysis to attract the attention of potential customers distributed through digital media. The main purpose of implementing content marketing is to increase customer engagement. Methods: MBKM Independent Internship activities for students of the National Development University “Veteran” East Java at Qurota Academy as Digital Marketers at @Necerel.id began on February 19 - June 19, 2024. Internship activities are carried out face-to-face (Offline) at the Office located at Jalan Selat Karimata Block E3/1, Sawojajar, District. Kedungkandang, Malang City, East Java, 65139. The results of this study help optimize Content Marketing to Increase Consumer Engagement in the Brand Necerel on the Instagram platform.</p> Al Hisyam Nurussyahban Hisyam, Denlora Nor Muhammad, Abdurahman Abdurahman, Risqi Firdaus Setiawan Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/450 Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Strategy to Strengthen the Income of Forest Farmers' Group on Coffee Commodities in Mekakau Ilir District, South OKU Regency https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/436 <p>This study aims to determine strategies for increasing the income of coffee farmers in Mekakau Ilir District, OKU Selatan Regency. The quantitative analysis used in this research is regression analysis. The results of this study in the form of a strategy to increase coffee farmers' income based on internal and external results showed that the main strategies are optimizing weaknesses and overcoming various threats by reducing land conversion by providing capital, reactivating Gapoktan, optimizing fertilizer use, overcoming the problem of increasing input prices to increase cooperation between extension workers and Gapoktan in Mekakau Ilir District, OKU Selatan Regency.</p> Jumroni, Munajat Munajat, Fifian Permata Sari Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/436 Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analysis of Performance Management And Work Achievements of Agricultural Extenders Assisting For Agricultural Economic Improvement (PPEP) South Ogan Komering Ulu Regency https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/437 <p>This research aims to analyze the performance management of agricultural extension in organizing agricultural extension in South Ogan Komering Ulu Regency. The subjects of this research are agricultural instructors assisting agricultural economic improvement (PPEP), which is an agricultural instructor recruiting from the South Sumatra Province Governor's Program based on South Sumatra Governor Regulation Number 45 of 2020. The sampling method was carried out using a census where the entire population was used as a sample, namely 113 respondents in 19 sub-districts. The performance of extension workers is measured using a scoring method with measurement indicators by the Minister of Agriculture Regulation Number. 91/Permentan/OT.140/9/2013. The data analysis method used is Job Performance Value (NPK) analysis. The research results from the analysis show that the performance management of agricultural extension workers has a score with an average value for planning preparation of 4.70. Implementation of agricultural extension 3.61, while evaluation and reporting 4.87. The work achievement score has a score in the Fair category, namely 50%.<br><br><br><br><br></p> Sevia Caroline, Munajat Munajat, Yetti Oktarina Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/437 Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Distribution of aid and outreach as an effort to develop snack food MSME in Galengdowo village, Wonosalam, Jombang https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/446 <p>The development of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the snack food sector is an important strategy to improve the local economy and empower rural communities. This research explores the effectiveness of aid distribution and outreach as an effort to develop snack food MSMEs in Galengdowo Village, Wonosalam, Jombang. Using a qualitative approach, a case study was conducted to examine the impact of capital assistance, training, and the introduction of digital technology on increasing production capacity, product quality, and market access for MSMEs. The study results show that the assistance provided has had a significant positive impact, including improvements in business management, online marketing, and development of partnership networks. Socialization regarding marketplaces and digital marketing strategies has also proven effective in increasing product visibility and creating added value for MSMEs. However, challenges such as limited information technology infrastructure remain obstacles that need to be overscome to support the sustainable growth of MSMEs in the future.</p> Danik Dwi Lestari, Danang Andrian Fajar Panggayuh, Risqi Firdaus Setiawan Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/446 Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analysis of Rice Farmers' Decisions in Selling Production Results in East OKU Regency https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/442 <p>Grain is rice fruit that has been threshed from panicles (straw). Grain is a commodity resulting from rice production which is a staple food in Indonesia. This research will be carried out in East OKU Regency, specifically in East Buay Madang, Buay Madang and Madang Suku I Districts. The location determination was carried out purposively. The research method used in this research is the case study method. According to Sriati (2014), the case study method (case study) The sampling method used in the research entitled analysis of rice farmers' decisions in selling their production in East OKU Regency is multi-stick random sampling. Respondents were taken from three sub-districts, namely East Buay Madang, Buay Madang and Madang Suku I, with the reason that these three sub-districts constituted 118 respondents. The results of the research show that the factors that influence farmers' decisions in selling rice production in East OKU are independent variables, namely production, urgent needs, middlemen and milling costs which significantly influence farmers' decisions. Meanwhile, the labor variable does not have a significant effect on farmers' decisions.</p> <p>Keywords: Grain, Rice, Decree</p> Slamet, Munajat Munajat, Yetti Oktarina Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/442 Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Shelf-Life Prediction of Shredded Duck “Cahyo” by Accelerated Shelf-Life Testing (ASLT) technique Based on The Arrhenius Model https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/447 <p>Shredded Duck "Cahyo" PT Deltasari Indah Restaurant is a shredded product made from duck meat. The shelf life of Shredded Duck "Cahyo" can be used as an indication in determining the time and expiration date. Expiration information is one of the important information that must be included in each food packaging. examinations made from the repository to changes in quality decline are carried out to decide the shelf life of Shredded Duck "Cahyo". Therefore, a study was conducted to forecast the shelf life of Shredded Duck "Cahyo" PT Deltasari Indah Restaurant. This study's objectives are to decide the critical criteria for determining the shelf life of Shredded Duck "Cahyo" and to forecast the shelf life of Shredded Duck "Cahyo" products stored at different thermal state conditions. In this study, <em>Accelerated Shelf Life Testing</em> utilizing the Arrhenius model was employed. Shredded Duck "Cahyo" packaged in PET jars underwent repository at thermal states of 30˚C, 40˚C, and 50˚C for 28 days, by examinations conducted every 7 days. Key criteria analyzed encompassed water content, Free Fatty Acid (FFA) levels, and total microbial presence. The critical criterion selected was the Free Fatty Acid (FFA) criterion, given its low activation energy (Ea) and high R2 value. outcomes indicated that utilizing the Arrhenius model ASLT approach, the shelf lives of Shredded Duck "Cahyo" at 30˚C, 40˚C, and 50˚C were 58 days, 51 days, and 44 days, respectively. Considering actual repository conditions (20˚C and 25˚C), the average shelf life of Shredded Duck "Cahyo" was decided to be 65.5 days.</p> Nadya Dwi Putri Febrianti, Ratna Yulistiani, Luqman Agung Wicaksono, Afridho Laksono Indra Purnama Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/447 Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Physicochemical Characteristics of Beef Meatballs at Various Post Mortem Phases with the Addition of Seaweed Flour (Gracillaria sp.) https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/448 <p>The post-mortem phase of meat influences the physicochemical quality of the beef meatballs produced. The post mortem phase is the phase that meat goes through after slaughter. The post mortem phase is divided into 3, namely prerigor, rigor mortis and post rigor. Seaweed (Gracillaria sp.) can be used as a natural chewy meatball. This research aims to determine the best treatment combination between the post-mortem phase of meat and the addition of seaweed flour on the physicochemical characteristics and preferences of beef meatballs. This research used a completely randomized design with a factorial pattern with 2 factors with two replications. Factor I is the post mortem phase (pre-rigor, rigormortis and post-rigo). Factor II is the addition of seaweed flour (3%, 4% and 5%). The observation data were analyzed using ANOVA, if there were significant differences, the Duncan Multiple Range Test was carried out at the 5% level. The best treatment results were pre-rigor beef treatment with the addition of 5% seaweed flour, producing meatballs with characteristics of 69.05% water content, 2.93% ash content, 1.55% fat, 12.49% protein, 12.92N elasticity level, 47.22% water holding capacity. , Color preference level 4 (like really), aroma 4.07 (like really), taste 4.17 (like really) and texture 4.50 (like really).</p> Ririh Wahyuningtyas, Ratna Yulistiani Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/448 Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analysis Of The Added Value Of Goat Manure As Organic Fertilizer In Carangwulung Village, Wonosalam District https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/449 <p>The high population of goats in Carangwulung Village causes high amounts of animal waste to be produced on the goat farm, of course, this must be managed well so that it does not hurt the environment. The chairman of LMDH "Rimba Jaya Makmur" manages goat manure to be used as organic fertilizer which will later be commercialized and used to fertilize plants owned by LMDH. The main aim of this research is to determine the added value of goat manure which produces organic goat manure fertilizer. The location for this research was deliberately chosen in Carangwulung Village, Wonosalam District, specifically in the LMDH "Rimba Jaya Makmur" for research because the head of the LMDH "Rimba Jaya Makmur" manages goat dung. The method used is the Hayami method. The results of this research are that in managing the production of goat manure fertilizer, it has an input of 2000 kg and gets an output of 1,999 kg, thus providing added value, namely Rp. 939/kg, where the added value is &gt; 50%, so it is classified as high and the business is worth continuing.</p> Salsabila Putri Ainur Rizkiyah, Elmira Dhiva Avivah, Andru Armana, Toriq Aulia Rahman, Fatchur Rozci Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/449 Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analysis of the Quality of Fresh and Used Cooking Oil Among Fried Catfish Street Vendors in the Eastern Region of Lamongan Sub-District, Lamongan District https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/451 <p>Cooking oil that is repeatedly used by vendors can cause damage and a decline in quality. Moreover, it can pose health risks. Repeated use of cooking oil leads to various degradation reactions such as oxidation, hydrolysis, and polymerization. This research aims to analyze the quality differences between initial and used cooking oil. The study is a survey with a cross-sectional study method. The sampling technique used purposive sampling (13 vendors) with data analysis using a paired t-test at a 5% significance level. Cooking oil samples were taken twice a day. The chemical quality analysis results of 13 initial cooking oil samples showed that the percentage that did not meet SNI 7709:2019 standards for water content was 46.15%, free fatty acids were 46.15%, and peroxide values were 69.23%. For used cooking oil samples, the percentages that did not meet SNI 7709:2019 standards for water content were 92.30%, free fatty acids were 100%, and peroxide values were 100%. The average TBA value for all initial-use cooking oil samples was 0.44 mg MDA/kg, and for used cooking oil samples was 0.65 mg MDA/kg, both higher than the reference sample (0.15 mg MDA/kg).. The t-test results showed that there were quality differences between the initial and used cooking oil used by street vendors selling pecel lele in the eastern region of Lamongan District.</p> Novita Mizzalluna Azzury, Ratna Yulistiani Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/451 Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Socialization of Self-Watering Pots from Gallon Waste for Sustainable Waste Management: Collaboration with PKK Mungkung Village, Nganjuk Regency https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/452 <p>Community service activities carried out in Mungkung Village on May 15 2024 took the form of socialization and practice of decorating <em>self-watering pots </em>which was attended by Mungkung Village PKK women. Group 01 KKNT MBKM led this activity to educate the public about the benefits and how to make <em>self-watering pots </em>from used gallons, in line with the principles of Sustainable Development (SDGs), especially SDG 12 and 15. The results of this activity show that the use of waste gallons Self <em>-watering pots </em>are effective in providing water automatically to plants, improving the quality of plant growth, and reducing plastic waste. The discussion also includes challenges that may be faced such as arranging drainage and monitoring potted plant nutrition. The practice of decorating <em>self-watering pots </em>involves creative decoration techniques, strengthens community participation in sustainable activities and inspires creativity in efforts to protect the environment. This activity not only provides practical solutions for waste management, but also raises awareness of the importance of contributing to sustainable development through simple local innovations.</p> Hana Safira Hidayat, Herlin Dwi Dita Tamtamalia, Ghea Lintang Samputri , Mubarokah Mubarokah Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/452 Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Effect of Different Stabilizers on the Characteristics of Gluten-Free Dried Noodle from Arrowroot and Mung bean Flour https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/453 <p>Dry noodles are one of the foods made from wheat flour. The availability of wheat in Indonesia does not match consumer demand, necessitating the use of alternative ingredients such as arrowroot flour and mung bean flour. The use of stabilizers like CMC, STPP, and Xanthan Gum is needed to improve the characteristics of dry noodles. This research aims to determine the effect of the proportion of arrowroot flour and mung bean flour with different types of stabilizers on the physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics of dry noodles. The experimental design used was a factorial CRD with two factors. Factor I was the proportion of arrowroot flour and mung bean flour and Factor II was the addition of different types of stabilizers. Data were analyzed using 5% ANOVA and 5% DMRT. There was a significant interaction (p≤0.05) on the moisture content, ash, protein, fat, starch, rehydration capacity, cooking loss, elasticity, and organoleptic characteristics of aroma, texture, and overall appearance. There were no significant differences in the organoleptic characteristics of color and taste. The best treatment was the proportion of arrowroot flour and mung bean flour (60:40) with the addition of CMC stabilizer, which resulted in dry noodles with the following characteristics: moisture 11.392%, ash 1.919%, protein 11.592%, fat 1.378%, starch 54.720%, rehydration capacity 110.266%, cooking loss 6.398%, elasticity 0.314 N, aroma 4.200, color 4.040, taste 3.800, texture 4.200, and overall appearance 4.160.</p> Stefanus Rosano Darmawan, Ulya Sarofa Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/453 Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Study of Proportions of Porang Slurry and Coconut Milk and the Addition of Podang Mango Fruit on the Physicochemical And Organoleptic Characteristics of Plant Based Ice Cream https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/454 <p>This research aims to determine the effect of the substitution of coconut milk and porang tuber porridge and the addition of podang mango on the physicochemical and organoleptic quality of vegetable ice cream. The research used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with two factors and two replications. Data analysis using ANOVA was continued with the Duncan multiple range test (DMRT) at a confidence level of 5%. The first factor is the substitution of porang tuber slurry for coconut milk (10:90 (A1), 20:80 (A2), 30:70 (A3)). The second factor is the concentration of podang mango (15% (B1), 20% (B2), 25% (B3)). Parameters observed include protein content, overrun, melting speed, color analysis, total dissolved solids, viscosity, fat content, dietary fiber, vitamin C, and organoleptic analysis including texture, aroma, color, and taste. The results of the treatment of porang tuber slurry substitution for coconut milk and the concentration of porang mango had a significant effect on protein content, total solids, overrun, melting time, and viscosity. The best treatment in this study was vegetable ice cream with the substitution of porang tuber slurry for coconut milk (30:70%) and the addition of podang mango (15%) with a protein content of 4.09%, fat content of 3.99%, the dietary fiber content of 4.38%, vitamin C of 26.27%, melting time 18.46 minutes, overrun of 23.09%, viscosity of 1685%, total solids of 38.07%, lightness of 64.60, redness of 47.70, yellowness of 79.21, and average hedonic value of color of 4.0, aroma of 3.67, taste 3.4, and texture of 3.7.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Resi Briliansyah, Sri Winarti Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/454 Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Characteristics of Flakes from Kepok Banana Flour and Black Rice Flour with Variation of Steaming Time https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/441 <p>This research has the objective of determining the effect of flour rasio kepok banana and black rice. Black rice flour with variations in steaming time on physicochemical characteristics of flakes. This research used a randomized Complete Design (RCD) factorial pattern with two factors and two replications. The first factor is thr proportion of kepok banana flour: black rice flour (30%: 70%, 40%: 60%, and 50%:50%) and the second factor is the length of steaming time (10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes). The data obtained was analyzed using ANOVA and followed by the Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at the 5% level. The results of the research showed that there was interaction. There was a significant difference between the treatments of kepok banana flour: black rice flour on moisture content, starch content, and water absorption. The best treatment is&nbsp; Banana flour: black rice flour on moisture content, starch content, and water absorption. The best treatment is flaked with a proportion of 50% kepok banana flour and 50% black rice flour and a steaming time of 10 minutes produced flakes with characteristics of the value of water content of 4.77%, ash content of&nbsp; 2.12%, fat content of 8.35%, content protein of 5.56%, the starch content of 78.01%,&nbsp; water absorption of 24.96%, hardness of 414.57N and dietary Fiber content of 5.22 %, the calcium content of 169.89mg/100g and the average of favorability scores for taste (3.83), color (4.80), aroma (4.20) and textire (3.37)</p> Shinta Dwi Rachmawati, Ratna Yulistiani, Jariyah Jariyah Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/441 Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Study of Addition Gelatin and Egg White on The Physicochemical and Organoleptic Characteristics of Sawo Kecik Marshmallows and Telang Flower and Determining The Storage Period Using The ESS Method ( Extended Storage Studies ) https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/455 <p>Marshmallow is a confectionery product that has a soft, chewy texture and is white. Problems with a texture that is less soft, less chewy, and less attractive color often arise when processing marshmallows. The addition of butterfly pea flowers can help improve the color, while the use of gelatin and egg whites can be an alternative to improve the texture of marshmallows. This research aimed to determine the best treatment combination between adding gelatin and egg whites to obtain sapodilla marshmallows and butterfly pea flowers with good treatment. This research used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with a factorial pattern, two factors, and two replications. Factor 1 is the addition of gelatin (8%; 10%; 12% w/w) and factor 2 is the addition of egg white (4%; 6%; 8% w/w). Data were analyzed using ANOVA and further DMRT tests at the 5% level. The treatment with the addition of 12% gelatin and the addition of 6% egg white was the best treatment which produced sapodilla marshmallows and butterfly pea flowers with characteristic water content values ​​of 47.962% ± 0.2942, ash content of 1.355% ± 0.1972, vitamin content of 16.340 mg/100 g ± 0.1556, reducing sugar content 9.595% ± 0.1768, Aw value 0.468% ± 0.0092, texture 3.975 N ± 0.0495 and organoleptic test color 3.60 (rather dislike), taste 4.04 (normal ), aroma 3.12 (somewhat dislike) and texture 6.12 (like) and antioxidant activity IC50 of 35.52 ppm and has a shelf life of 7 days.</p> Romi Angga Alfiansyah, Rosida Rosida Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/455 Wed, 10 Jul 2024 14:31:05 +0700 Balinese Cattle Cultivation in the Nandini Cattle Group in Balangan Kuwum Badung Village https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/458 <p>Kuwum Village, in Mengwi District, Badung Regency, Bali, is about 29 km north of Denpasar. Here, raising Bali Kereman cattle supplements farmers' income from farming and other jobs. Despite the potential profitability from meat, offspring, manure, and labor, the Nandini cattle group faces challenges. These include insufficient capital, inadequate feed, poor cattle maintenance, inefficient manure processing, and underdeveloped manure sales channels, hindering income maximization. The primary issue is low management capability in cattle maintenance. Effective cattle raising requires an ideal stable location, at least 10 meters from houses, accessible by vehicle, and near agricultural land, allowing sunlight. Quality seed selection, stable maintenance, and adequate feeding are essential. To address these challenges, methods such as presentations and demonstration plots for forage feeding and cage spraying are used. These activities aim to improve farmers' knowledge and practices, increasing cattle weight and farmers' income, ultimately achieving better welfare. Community Service activities have enhanced understanding and demonstrated proper maintenance, feeding, and cage spraying in the Nandini cattle group</p> Ni Made Ayu Gemuh Rasa Astiti, Anak Agung Rai Sita Laksmi, I Gusti Agung Putu Eryani, Made Pradnyagitha Harum Devani, Yesaya Wadu Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/458 Sat, 13 Jul 2024 07:53:29 +0700 Competence, Work Discipline, and Work Facilities Contribute to Improving Employee Performance https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/459 <p>In the increasingly modern era of globalization, companies must compete fiercely to maintain their existence and achieve success. The realization of success is certainly not without various challenges, one of which relates to employee performance. This is often influenced by competence, work discipline, and workplace facilities.</p> <p>This research aims to determine the influence of competence, work discipline, and work facilities on the performance of production employees at PT. Romi Violeta Sidoarjo. The population and sample consisted of 38 employees. Data collection was conducted through a questionnaire, which was then processed using SmartPLS. The results indicate that competence, work discipline, and work facilities have a positive effect on employee performance. The higher the competence of the employees, the better their performance. Furthermore, the greater the discipline applied by employees, the higher their performance will be. Similarly, the more available and adequate the work facilities are to support their tasks, the faster the performance process will be.</p> Diknastiya Putri Dieva, Ika Korika Swasti Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/459 Tue, 16 Jul 2024 11:05:42 +0700 Digital Marketing Strategy to Increase Brand Awareness of PT Global Service Indonesia https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/462 <p>The ability to understand consumer behaviour in the digital age is a very important strategy to achieve competitive advantage. Digital marketing or marketing that uses electronic devices or the internet, provides opportunities for consumers to find information about what positions they are interested in, and obtain testimonials from other consumers about their experiences after following the employee recruitment process. The purpose of this paper is to explain the digital marketing strategy of PT Global Service Indonesia to increase brand awareness, with a special focus on the role and contribution of MSIB interns in the process. This study will evaluate the effectiveness of various digital marketing tactics implemented, challenges, and obstacles faced in their implementation. The method used in this paper is qualitative data analysis based on the constructivist paradigm. Results show that there was a significant increase in the followers and interest of job seekers from April to June 2024.</p> Fariz Fahrezi Taufiq, Fatchur Rozci Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/462 Wed, 17 Jul 2024 11:32:51 +0700 Family Welfare Empowerment (PKK) of Ban Village Karangasem through Product Development Based on Roselle and Mangoes https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/460 <table width="662"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="393"> <p>Community empowerment through the development of roselle and mango-based food products in Ban Village, Karangasem, Bali, aims to enhance community independence and welfare by developing roselle and mango-based food products in Ban Village, Karangasem, Bali. The focus is on effective food processing, fostering entrepreneurial spirit, and providing training in product diversification and marketing. Collaboration with universities and networks supports sustainable development, increases the economic value of local agricultural products, opens new market opportunities, and encourages sustainable ecotourism while preserving local wisdom in Ban Village. The initiative involves 15 members of the Ban Village PKK group, established in 2010. The implementation method is structured and includes coaching, training, mentoring, and consultation to address various challenges in adding value for partners. Community service activities are conducted through lectures, discussions, demonstrations, training sessions, and Q&amp;A.&nbsp; As a result, the community empowerment activities significantly increased the knowledge and skills of PKK members in processing and marketing roselle and mango products, such as roselle tea and mango dodol, thereby creating new sources of income. Despite the progress, most participants require further training in packaging and product variety. Diversification efforts have increased the economic value of local agricultural products, providing stable profits for farmers.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Luh Suriati, Novizar Nazir, AFMN Azmi, SFM Zamri, NMAS Singapurwa, AAM Semariyani, IGP Mangku, IW Sudiarta, IP Candra, NPP Setianingsih, IPAR Putra, NLPYM Pratiwi, NLPYM Pratiwi, IKOB Mulia, DAJ Kusuma, IW Winduyasa, IBO Prastiawan, AANS Girindra Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/460 Thu, 18 Jul 2024 06:21:03 +0700 Business Development Strategy of Lumindai Palm Sugar Home Industry with BMC and SWOT Approach https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/473 <p>This study aims to analyze and develop a business strategy of the lumindai palm sugar industry in Sawahlunto City, Indonesia by combining BMC and SWOT approaches. To identify the industry, a BMC mapping is initially performed. The results from the BMC serve as inputs for categorizing business development elements. These elements are then divided into four SWOT categories: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Each factor within these categories is evaluated and assigned a value, followed by an analysis using IFE and EFE. The IFE analysis yields a score of 3.045, indicating strong internal capital for industry development. Conversely, the EFE score of 2.636 suggests that the industry's external conditions are moderate. The IFE and EFE results then serve as a basis for formulating relevant strategies using the IE matrix. According to the IE matrix, the industry falls into cell IV, placing it in the Grow and Build position. This position is used to develop detailed strategic specifications in the SWOT matrix, which provides actionable insights for industry growth.</p> Elvita Putri Zain, Azrifirwan, Deivy Andhika Permata Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/473 Fri, 26 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 DETERMINANTS OF INVESTMENT INTEREST AMONG MANAGEMENT STUDENTS, CASE STUDY: STUDENTS OF UNIVERSITAS PEMBANGUNAN NASIONAL VETERAN JAWA TIMUR https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/466 <p>Investment involves the long-term allocation of funds with the objective of generating profits. Notably, the number of investors has experienced a significant increase over the years. This phenomenon can be attributed to several factors that positively influence the growth of future investment users, thereby motivating the investment interest of potential investors to allocate their capital in the Indonesian capital market. This research aims to analyze investment interest by examining the influence of financial literacy, financial self-efficacy, risk perception, and return perception on investment interest among Management students of UPN "Veteran" East Java. The population for this study comprised Management students from the 2020 to 2023 batches at UPN "Veteran" East Java. The sampling technique employed was stratified random sampling, with 100 respondents selected as the sample. Data collection was carried out through a questionnaire method, and the data analysis technique utilized was PLS. The findings of the study indicate that financial self-efficacy, return perception, and risk perception significantly influenced investment interest, while financial literacy did not have a significant effect on student investment interest.</p> Andrew Baihaqi Firdaus, Ira Wikartika Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/466 Fri, 26 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS OF THE COMPARISON OF SAGA SEED TEMPEH WITH SOYBEAN TEMPEH ON THE PROXIMATE QUALITY VALUE OF THE PRODUCT https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/470 <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Tempe merupakan salah satu makanan kesukaan masyarakat Indonesia. Namun seiring dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk, kebutuhan akan tempe juga meningkat sedangkan bahan baku dalam pengolahan tempe yaitu kacang kedelai tidak mencukupi bagi para penghasil tempe. Selain kacang kedelai, tempe dapat dibuat dari bahan baku lain seperti biji saga. Hal ini dikarenakan saga memiliki kandungan protein yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kacang kedelai. Untuk mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan saga, maka perlu dilakukan perbandingan tempe kedelai dengan tempe saga yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji perbedaan tempe kedelai dengan tempe saga. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah membandingkan tempe kedelai dengan tempe saga dengan menggunakan uji Independent T test. Hasil yang diperoleh selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan program SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbandingan tempe saga dan tempe kedelai memberikan pengaruh yang nyata (p˂0,05) terhadap protein, kadar air, serat kasar, flavonoid dan tekstur. Namun tidak terdapat pengaruh yang nyata (p˃0,05) terhadap kadar abu dan kadar lemak.</span></span></p> Saddam Hasibuan, Alfi Asben; Deivy Andhika Permata Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/470 Fri, 26 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE TRAINING AND WORK MOTIVATION ON PERFORMANCE IN THE HEALTH SERVICES OF EAST JAVA PROVINCE https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/465 <p>The purpose of this study was to explain the effect of training and work motivation on employee performance using research objects at Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Timur. This research uses a quantitative approach. The population in this study were employees of the Health Office (Dinas Kesehatan) of &nbsp;Jawa Timur Province. The sample in this study was 72 respondents who had gone through calculations using the Slovin formula. The data analysis used in this research uses the component-based Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method using the Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis tool. The results of this research show that training can have a positive and significant influence on employee performance, and work motivation has a positive and significant influence on employee performance.</p> Kirana Azahra Putri, Ika Korika Swasti Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/465 Sun, 28 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 UTILIZING OF LEAFY VEGETABLE WASTE FOR PRODUCTION COMPOST AS A MEAN OF PLANTING MEDIA https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/464 <p>The Sabah State Government in 2018 noted that the state was facing significant challenges in managing its solid waste, due to factors such as limited resources, inadequate infrastructure, and inadequate public awareness on waste management practices The total amount of municipal solid waste generated in Sabah was reported to be 2,062,390 kg per day. Composting is a process of decomposing organic matter, such as food scraps, yard waste, and other natural materials, into a nutrient-rich soil amendment that can be used to improve soil fertility and structure. This study aimed to evaluate the use of composted leafy vegetables waste as planting media. This research was conducted at the Faculty of Sustainable Agriculture. There were 4 treatments for this research, namely T1: 100% leafy vegetables waste, T2: 50% leafy vegetable waste + 50% compost matured chicken manure, T3: 50% leafy vegetable waste + 50% peat moss and T4: 50% leafy vegetable waste + 50% topsoil. Data collection on this research including temperature, moisture content, C/N ratio, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), sowing green mustard and cost.&nbsp; Data were analyzed by using SAS 9.4 and data was presented by Tukey at <em>p</em>&gt;0.05. The findings of this study have important implications for the sustainable management of vegetable waste, as peatmoss provides an alternative solution to waste disposal while promoting soil health and agricultural productivity.</p> Syaul Dumian; Siti Suliza Salamat; Hendry Idol Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/464 Fri, 09 Aug 2024 06:06:10 +0700 The Impact of Self-Efficacy and Employee Mutation on Employee Performance https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/482 <p>This study investigates the influence of self-efficacy and employee turnover on employee performance at PT. PLN (Persero) UP2B East Java. Employing a quantitative research design, data was analyzed using Smart PLS software. Given the small population size, a census sampling method was applied, encompassing all 69 employees. Data collection was conducted through observations, interviews, and questionnaires. The analysis included tests for validity and reliability, R-Square evaluation, and hypothesis testing via bootstrapping. The results reveal that both self-efficacy and employee turnover positively influence employee performance. Employees with higher self-efficacy demonstrate superior job performance, and increased employee turnover is also linked to improved performance.</p> Ajeng Dian Rahmatika, Kustini Kustini Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/482 Thu, 22 Aug 2024 12:14:42 +0700 Post-Harvest Handling of Coffee through Coating Application with Zero-waste Concept to Support Green Economy in Wanagiri Village, Sukasada District, Bali https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/483 <p>The objective of this activity is to enhance the knowledge of the community in Wanagiri Village on more effective and efficient coffee farming techniques, to improve the productivity and quality of life for coffee farmers in the area. The training will focus on developing skills in coffee cultivation, post-harvest processing, and product diversification. The specific type of coffee being highlighted is robusta Wanagiri coffee, which has gained international popularity due to its unique aroma and flavor. The planned activities will include face-to-face training, counseling, and hands-on practice, where experts will provide guidance and support to help the partners understand and apply the technology provided. The ultimate goal is to enable the partners to improve their coffee production and develop diverse coffee products, such as ground coffee, green bean coffee, and instant specialty coffee, to reach a wider market. This activity is scheduled to take place in Wanagiri Village, Sukasada District, Buleleng Regency on August 5th, 2024. After the training and exercise, it was found that the participants understood the material presented by the resource person and were very interested in applying a coating to their coffee to reduce farmer losses and to utilize or process coffee husk waste into animal feed to be fed directly to their livestock or to become organic fertilizer. Good post-harvest handling, including the application of coating technology, is very important in maintaining coffee quality, particularly in preserving aroma and flavor during storage and transport. In addition, the application of zero-waste technology in coffee processing has the potential to reduce waste and increase the value of coffee by-products</p> Luh Suriati, I Nyoman Kaca, Anak Agung Nguran Mayun Wirajaya, I Gusti Agung Yogi Rabani RS, Ni Made Andira Padmarini, Putu Ananda Icaka Putri, Ni Made Putri Pradnya Paramita Dewi, Kadek Dinda Rahayu Darmawan, Gusti Ayu Yunda Darma Patni Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/483 Thu, 22 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Characteristics of Healthy Cornflakes (Study of the Proportion of Pre-Cooked White Corn Flour : Pre-Cooked Red Bean Flour and the Proportion of tapioca) https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/484 <p>Flakes are a convenient type of food that can be developed to meet the body's nutritional needs. Cornflakes, which have a high starch content, can be combined with protein and fat from red beans and snakehead fish, as well as tapioca as a source of amylopectin that affects the texture of cornflakes. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of the proportion of white corn flour to red bean flour and the proportion of tapioca. The Randomized Block Design (RBD) method was used with Factor I being the proportion of white corn flour to red bean flour (80:20, 75:25, and 70:30), and Factor II being different proportions of tapioca (5%, 10%, and 15%). The observational data were analyzed using ANOVA and followed by Duncan's test. The best treatment determination was carried out using the De Garmo method. The best cornflakes were obtained with a proportion of 70% pre-cooked white corn flour, 30% pre-cooked red bean flour, and 10% tapioca, resulting in a moisture content of 3.13%, ash content of 2.88%, protein content of 8.26%, carbohydrate content of 80.88%, fat content of 4.90%, starch content of 33.11%, rehydration capacity of 46.54%, and breaking strength of 15.25 N.</p> Sri Alam Syah Lihan Candra Asi, Rosida Rosida, Luqman Agung Wicaksono Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/484 Wed, 28 Aug 2024 08:13:10 +0700 Characteristics of Instant Baby Porridge With a Pre-Cooked Flour Formulation (White Rice, Yellow Corn, Red Beans and Snakehead Fish) https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/485 <p>Stunting prevention can be done by providing Complementary Foods (MP-ASI) to babies aged 6 months and above.&nbsp;Baby porridge is generally made from rice, to increase the nutritional content of instant baby porridge, yellow corn is substituted. Red beans and snakehead fish have high protein content to increase the nutrition of instant baby porridge. The pre-cooking process on flour needs to be done to increase water absorption and solubility in instant baby porridge products. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of differences in pre-cooked flour formulations (white rice, yellow corn, red beans and snakehead fish) on the physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics of instant baby porridge. The study used a simple Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with one factor, with treatments P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 and P6. Data analysis using ANOVA and further testing of 5% DMRT was carried out if there was a significant difference. Instant baby porridge with pre-cooked flour formulation P3, with a water content of 3.66%, ash content of 2.91%, fat content of 11.88%, protein content of 21.64%, carbohydrate content of 59.88%, starch content of 28.41%, crude fiber content of 2.80%, bulk density of 0.49 g/ml, water absorption capacity of 222.75%, solubility of 28.88%, and organoleptic test of color 3.44 (neutral), aroma 3.36 (neutral), taste 3.64 (like), and texture 3.76 (like).</p> Untsa Qurrota Aina, Rosida Rosida Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/485 Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Effect of Sucrose Concentration on Microbiological, Physicochemical, Antioxidant Activity, and Organoleptic Characteristics of Salak Fruit Juice Beverage Fermented with Lactobacillus Plantarum InaCC B153 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/486 <p>Salak is a tropical fruit that has great potential to be made into a healthy fermented beverage. The carbohydrate content and bioactive compounds such as phenolics in salak provide benefits as a source of antioxidants. The fermentation process will produce a probiotic drink that is good for digestive health. The fermentation process involves Lactobacillus plantarum bacteria as probiotic agents. This study aims to determine the effect of sucrose concentration on the characteristics of salak fruit juice probiotic drinks.&nbsp; This study used a completely randomised design (CRD) factorial pattern with sucrose concentration factor (3%, 6%, 9% b/v).&nbsp; The data obtained were analysed using ANOVA followed by DMRT further test at the 5% level. The results showed a significant interaction (p≤0.05). Fermented salak fruit juice using 9% sucrose was the best treatment with characteristics of pH 3.80; total microbes 9.023 log CFU/ml; total acid 1,11%; total sugar 13,88%; viscosity 118,35 mPa.s; DPPH antioxidant activity 89.99%. The resulting organoleptic properties including colour, aroma, and taste, overall were 3.40 (moderately liked), 3.08 (moderately liked), 3.76 (moderately liked), and 3,48 (moderately liked).</p> Aisyah Amelia Pandanwangi, Rosida Rosida, I Made Sudiana, Toga Pangihitan Napitupulu, Atit Kanti Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/486 Fri, 30 Aug 2024 19:19:01 +0700 Sensory Profile of Candied Tomatodates Using the Just About Right Method https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/487 <p>Candied tomato dates are processed candies made from tomatoes that are dried until they are shaped like dates. Sensory profiles are needed to obtain candied date tomatoes with the most optimal betel lime solution concentration treatment and blanching time based on penalty analysis methods (JAR and hedonic scales). This study used the just about right method combined with the hedonic scale (overall liking) in the treatment of candied date tomatoes with a concentration of betel lime solution (2%, 3% and 4% (b/b)) and blanching time (5 minutes, 10 minutes and 15 minutes). There are 17 sensory attributes that will be tested through the assessment of the JAR scale and the hedonic scale (overall liking). The data obtained was then processed using XLSTAT 2024 software. Based on the results of the penalty analysis, it was shown that the most optimal candied date tomatoes were candied date tomatoes with a concentration treatment of 3% betel lime solution and a blanching time of 15 minutes where there were 14 insignificant test attributes or p-value≥0.05. Meanwhile, there are only 3 sensory attributes that need to be optimized or p-value˂0.05, namely juicy texture (p-value = 0.002), sweet taste (p-value = &lt;0.0001) and fruity taste (p-value = 0.017).</p> Syafian Putra Diapri, Jariyah Jariyah, Anugerah Dany Priyanto Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/487 Sat, 31 Aug 2024 07:31:22 +0700 CHARACTERISTICS OF JUWET FRUIT YOGHURT WITH THE ADDITION OF SKIM MILK AND LACTIC ACID BACTERIA STARTER https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/488 <p>In this study, the manufacture of juwet fruit yoghurt was studied with different treatments of adding skim milk and lactic acid bacteria starter. Yogurt is a processed milk product made through bacterial fermentation. Yogurt is known as a good source of protein, calcium, and probiotics, which can support digestive health and the immune system. Juwet fruit has a high antioxidant and vitamin C content so that juwet fruit has interesting potential to be made into yoghurt. Skim milk is used to utilize high lactose and protein so that the growth of lactic acid bacteria can grow optimally. Lactic acid bacteria are used for preservation, providing texture, and adding flavor to yoghurt drinks. The purpose of this study was to determine the addition of skim milk and lactic acid bacteria starter on the physicochemical, microbiological, and organoleptic characteristics of juwet yoghurt. This study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) factorial pattern consisting of two factors. Factor 1 addition of skim milk (5%, 7%, 9%). Factor 2 addition of starter (5%, 7%, 9%). Each treatment was repeated three times. The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). If there is a significant difference between treatments, it is continued with the Duncan test (DMRT) and organoleptic test using the Scoring test with 25 trained panelists. The treatment of adding 9% skim milk and 9% starter was the best treatment that produced juwet yoghurt with a protein content of 2.1% ± 0.036, total titratable acid 2.1% ± 0.1, total soluble solids 22.7ºBrix ± 1.53, total lactic acid bacteria 10.5 log CFU/ml ± 0.023, pH 3.7 ± 0.058, antioxidants 34.0% ± 0.117, viscosity 6.8% ± 0.058, Vitamin C 5.8 ± 0.3, and organoleptic tests of color 2.88 (rather like), taste 3.24 (rather like), aroma 2.68 (rather like), texture 3.76 (like).</p> Wira Wirdayat, Rosida Rosida, Anugerah Dany P Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/488 Sat, 31 Aug 2024 22:23:59 +0700 The Effect of Weed Solution Type and Concentration to Control Aphid Pests in Chrysanthemum Plants https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/468 <table width="662"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="393"> <p>Among various flower varieties, chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum sp.) is one of the most significant decorative flower commodities. Along with Aphis sp., which may do a great deal of harm, Thrips sp. pests pose a serious risk to chrysanthemums. Use of organic, non-toxic materials, such as plant-based biopesticides, is one substitute for managing Thrips sp. The purpose of this study is to ascertain which weed extract solutions, and at what doses, are most efficient at managing aphid pests on chrysanthemum plants. Two factors were included in the research design, which used a Factorial Randomized Block Design in a greenhouse setting: the type of weed extract solution and its concentration. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to examine the production data; at a 5% significant level, a Duncan or LSD test was then performed. The quality of the chrysanthemums was then compared to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 01-4478-1988. Aphid population, aphid mortality, flower diameter at full bloom, and percentage of flower damage (derived by dividing the number of damaged petals by the total number of observed petals) were among the observed variables. The findings showed that the chrysanthemums grown in the Ageratum conyzoides weed extract solution had the maximum growth and flower production, along with the lowest percentage of diseased leaves. Furthermore, the 300 grams/liter concentration demonstrated greater efficacy in impeding pest attacks, resulting in increased chrysanthemum development and a reduced proportion of leaf infection. For chrysanthemums to develop as best they can, the study advises applying a solution of Ageratum conyzoides weed extract at a dosage of 300 grams/liter.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> A. A. S. P. R. Andriani, I Gusti Made Arjana, Ida Bagus Komang Mahardika, Maria Scolastika Dede, Modesta Sriayuningsi Todo Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/468 Mon, 02 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Utilization of Quality Organic Fertilizer at P4S Sari Sedana, Badung, Bali https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/489 <p>This Community Partnership Program (CSP) conducted in Desa Selat, Kecamatan Abiansemal, Kabupaten Badung, has achieved significant advancements in organic agricultural development. The program focused on the implementation of both hard and soft technologies. Hard technologies included the development of high-quality organic fertilizers using local waste materials such as livestock manure, biochar, Trichoderma, NPK fertilizers, and dolomite, processed with simple equipment. These innovations addressed local waste management issues and enhanced agricultural productivity. Soft technologies involved comprehensive training on production management, business operations, and marketing strategies, which empowered the P4S Sari Sedana Group with essential skills for sustainable operation. The program demonstrated high relevance to local needs, effectively transforming waste into valuable resources and introducing environmentally friendly production methods. It also fostered active community participation and generated substantial environmental and economic benefits, including increased soil fertility and reduced reliance on chemical fertilizers. The project produced several key outputs: high-quality organic fertilizer, enhanced community skills, scientific publications, intellectual property registration, and online media coverage. Future sustainability will be supported through institutional capacity building, market expansion, product innovation, and ongoing monitoring and evaluation.</p> Yohanes Parlindungan Situmeang, Ida Bagus Komang Mahardika, Ida Ayu Trisna Widyawati , Afelinus Rematwa Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/489 Mon, 02 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Trichoderma Compost Making Technology in the Bumi Sari Farmers Group of Bongkasa Village, Abiansemal District, Badung Regency, Bali Province https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/467 <p>Bumi Sari Farmers Group is located in Abiansemal Village, Badung. This group of 10 members manages chilli plantations. The problem faced by the Bumi Sari Farmers group is that chili plants often experience symptoms of permanent wilting, and fruit rot attacked by pathogenic fungi. Trichoderma compost is a solution to overcome this problem. With the concept of controlling plant pest organisms (OPT) naturally, to get healthy plant cultivation and be free from diseases. In this activity, the farmer group has been able to make Trichoderma compost and has applied it to chilli plants. From the survey results, the damage to chilli flowers reached 75%. Furthermore, after the application of Trichoderma compost fertilizer treatment, it suppressed diseases in chilli plants by 46.4%. From this activity, it was able to reduce yield loss by 25% and increase farmers' income by 20%.</p> A. A. S. P. R. Andriani, Ni Ketut Sri Rukmini, I Ketut Sunadra , Modesta Sriayuningsi Todo, Maria Scolastika Dede Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/467 Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Post-Harvest Handling through Processing Oranges into Wine to Increase the Added Value of Oranges when Fruit is Abundant and the Skills of the Women Farmer Group "Widya Pertiwi" in Belantih Village, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/490 <p>The community service activity on aimed at post-harvest handling through processing citrus fruits into wine to increase the added value of citrus fruits when the fruit is abundant. And the skills of the farmer women's group "Widya Pertiwi" in Belantih Village, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency. This service activity is carried out through stages, namely providing material and demonstrations on processing oranges into wine and final evaluation (post-test) through distributing questionnaires. The results of counseling and training showed that through training and hands-on practice, they could easily understand how to process citrus fruit into wine, which could be done when the fruit was excessive in the harvest season, to increase added value and income. The results of this activity showed an overall increase in knowledge where 85% of respondents stated that they understood very well, and the remaining 15% indicated that they understood the extension materials and methods provided, which means that there were no respondents who stated that they did not understand or did not understand. Of the 15 respondents who participated in the counseling, 80% indicated they were very satisfied, and the remaining 20% stated they were satisfied participating in the counseling activities. 95% of the respondents indicated they were very interested, and the remaining 5% stated they were interested in practicing turning citrus fruits into wine in their homes. This means that 100% of the participants from the farmer women's group are interested in improving their skills and applying the technology of processing citrus fruits into wine to reduce the occurrence of fruit spoilage when the fruits are abundant in the harvest season.</p> Ni Komang Alit Astiari, Ni Putu Anom Sulistiawati, I Nengah Suaria, Ni Made Ayu Suardani Singapurwa, I Gede Sutapa, Anak Agung Sagung Putri Risa Andriani, Kade Nusde Sari Rama Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/490 Tue, 03 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 SOCIALIZATION OF PRODUCT BRANDING AS AN EFFORT TO INCREASE ENTREPRENEURIAL INTEREST AMONG HOUSEWIVES OF NGINDEN JANGKUNGAN VILLAGE https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/492 <p>Product branding provides various potentials in increasing sales value so that it can attract consumers, product branding can be developed in MSMEs which play an important role in national economic growth. MSMEs are also considered as one of the solutions for people who do not have jobs or do not want to work in a company. One of them is in the Nginden Jangkungan sub-district which still does not have an adequate understanding of product branding, so efforts are needed to increase awareness and understanding, one of which is through socialization. With the socialization related to product branding, it is expected to increase product competitiveness, attract consumer attention and increase income.</p> Gyska Indah Harya, Ahmad Naufal Rusyda, Anselma Abistha Pramesti, Dian Puspitasari, Dian Puspitasari, Jenny Amelia Gifani Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/492 Thu, 05 Sep 2024 14:38:54 +0700 The Influence of Work Discipline and Compensation on Employee Performance at PT. Multiarindo Surabaya https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/496 <p>In the current era of globalization, many significant changes have occurred in life in various sectors, especially in the industrialization sector. One of the main challenges in the industrialization sector is in the field of personnel, where the challenge is in terms of managing organizational resources effectively and eliminating ineffective practices, management is required to always develop new ways to attract and retain high-calibre employees and managers. the level required for an organization to be able to compete. This research aims to research and analyze the influence of work discipline and compensation on employee performance at PT Multiarindo Surabaya. The sample in this study was 60 respondents using a saturated sample with Likert scale weighting. The data analysis technique uses the Structural Equation Model- Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). The research results showed that Work Discipline had a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Compensation has a positive and significant effect on the performance of PT Multiarindo Surabaya employees.</p> Dicky Ramadhan, Sulastri Irbayuni Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/496 Fri, 06 Sep 2024 15:00:15 +0700 ECOPRINT TRAINING AS AN INNOVATION IN INCREASING THE CREATIVITY OF WACHID HASYIM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN THE CITY OF SURABAYA https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/495 <p>Art education often receives less attention than other academic fields. Art is an activity that can increase creativity and become a means of self-expression for students. Based on these conditions, students strive to raise awareness of art in elementary school students by holding training on making Batik Ecoprint using Tote Bag media. Ecoprinting is a technique for printing batik motifs using natural materials without chemicals such as leaves, flowers, and plants. Ecoprinting activities are included in art activities because they require creativity in doing so. This training activity is one of the activities of KKN-T Defending the Country of UPN "Veteran" East Java Students. The target of this activity is elementary school students in Grades 5A and 5B of Wachid Hasyim 2 Elementary School Surabaya. The results of the activity showed that 80% of SD Wachid Hasyim students were able to increase creativity, be able to understand the ecoprint process using natural materials and increase students awareness of the importance of protecting the environment. The skills of students who can explore art in eco-print batik design provide business opportunities for students to awaken the entrepreneurial spirit from an early age through their independent works.</p> Gyska Indah Harya, Anggita Mardika, Raniasani Sisyawati, Khabib Fahruddin, Rachmad Dwi Prasetyo Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/495 Tue, 10 Sep 2024 21:46:12 +0700 Design and Implementation of Functional Drink Product Inventory Applications at Kulon Progo MSMEs https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/501 <p>The importance of the innovation process and the novelty of the MSME system is one of adding value to MSMEs in the current globalization. One of the innovation processes that need to be carried out is to improve the digitization process of MSMEs. Kulon Progo MSMEs do not have accurate and efficient inventory records, which is one of the causes of inventory management that has not been managed optimally. Based on the problems that occur in Kulon Progo MSMEs, it is necessary to develop a digital-based inventory application in order to minimize product recording errors. Therefore, this study aims to apply digital-based inventory applications to functional beverage products in Kulon Progo MSMEs. This research was conducted in January-June 2024 at one of the MSMEs located in Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region. The data collection method used uses interviews, observations, and literature studies. While the application development method uses the Waterfall method. the use of AppSheet-based inventory applications in Kulon Progo MSMEs can be implemented properly. After passing the implementation and testing stages, the application can be applied to manage inventory by recording product entry and exit. The application of mixed functional beverage product inventory applications in Kulon Progo MSMEs simplifies the recording process for MSMEs and can be a solution to inventory problems in MSMEs.</p> Siwitri Munambar Munambar, Annisa Wirrdiana Yuniasih, Adi Prayoga Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/501 Wed, 11 Sep 2024 06:18:23 +0700 Optimizing Agricultural Mechanization to Enhance The Efficiency and Productivity of Farming In Indonesia: A Review https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/493 <p>Agricultural mechanization has emerged as a cornerstone of modernizing the agricultural sector in Indonesia, playing a pivotal role in enhancing productivity and efficiency. The growing population and the necessity for increased agricultural output have driven the adoption of mechanization to overcome challenges such as labor shortages and the adverse effects of climate anomalies. The introduction of agricultural equipment follows a selective principle by considering the local area's socioeconomic conditions. Future agricultural mechanization utilizes technologies based on weather analysis, soil sensor information, and satellite and drone imaging that can increase agricultural productivity. Precision agriculture innovation to improve the accuracy of farm business management is carried out by utilizing sensor systems, drones, remote sensing, digital technology, and the Internet of Things (IoT) to collect, process, and present data that smart farming systems will use. Integrated information system innovations for the supply chain are designed to bridge farmers, distributors, markets, and end buyers by utilizing mobile applications. The traditional to modern transition process and the implementation of smart digital farming require mentoring and field learning in the agricultural process from upstream to downstream. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the development, challenges, opportunities, and prospects of agricultural mechanization in Indonesia, offering insights into how these efforts can support the country's economic growth and food security. Materials were prepared from various sources, including development planning documentation program reports, evaluation, and critical analysis of different research results.</p> Budi Wijayanto, Endah Puspitojati Copyright (c) 2024 AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ajarcde-safe-network.org/index.php/index.php/ajarcde/article/view/493 Fri, 06 Sep 2024 09:44:39 +0700